my dear child I have heard your prayers and seen your tears your faith has not gone
unnoticed even if the answers take time they will come every tear you shed nourishes the
seeds of your Miracle your perseverance shows your
strength do not give up now the enemy wants to steal your joy
but I have come come to give you life abundantly stand firm in your faith the
battle is already won I am your Shield your protector and
your deliverer rest in my love I am working everything for your
good your breakthrough is closer than you think New Beginnings are on the
horizon let go of the old and welcome the new with open Open Arms my ways are not your
ways when I move into your life it often happens in ways you could never
predict my methods can be surprising and my timing can be
perplexing yet through it all there is a Divine Purpose and a grand design that
surpasses your understanding trust in my plan
especially when the road ahead is unclear faith means believing in my
goodness and sovereignty even when you cannot see the outcome surrendering to my will is a
powerful Act of Faith it means acknowledging that my plans are better than your own and that
my ways though mysterious are always good this surrender is an active trust
in my love and wisdom I am working all things together for
your good as I have promised stay focused on your
goals positive changes are on the way keep your thoughts
uplifted my timing is perfect even if it doesn’t align with
yours there is a time for everything in a season for every activity under the
heavens while you may become impatient and anxious I know the best time for every
event in your life my delays are not denials but part
of my perfect plan waiting on me can be challenging
but it is crucial for your spiritual growth patience is a fruit of the spirit
and through waiting you develop character and perseverance new beginnings and
opportunities are on the horizon stay positive and open to the
changes coming your way trust that you are on the right path